• Passionate (or perhaps prompted), to learn some kitchen credentials of your own? This course is a brilliant place to start. Specifically designed for those who haven't had...

  • Delve into the detail with professional guidance and understand the leaven process across biological and chemical agents. Create and bake a sourdough baguette...

  • Experience the evocative smells of popular European breads, whilst baking a full basket to take home. One of the oldest, best, commonest, simplest, most complicated...

  • Indulge yourself with Bake Christmas to produce scrumptious results to enjoy at home, to help host a Christmas gathering or create edible gifts for loved-ones...

  • Join guest chef from Morso Vegan over 2 days and learn how to make pastries and entremets so delicious you’d never know they weren’t the ‘real’ thing.