General Statement
- The Chefs Academy is a professional learning environment. All students are required to abide by a Student Code of Conduct for the benefit of fellow students, staff and the wider public.
- Students should make every effort to maintain a good attendance record and positive approach to work. Students must complete the required Guided Learning Hours and independent study hours to meet the requisite Total Qualification Time.
- Students must follow the required dress code and maintain a clean and professional appearance whilst at the academy.
- Students are expected to be punctual when attending class. Regular late attendance can result in disciplinary action and could affect your grades.
- Jewellery should be kept to a minimum. Students should not wear any types of nail polish.
- All coursework should be completed and handed in on time. Failure to do so can result in a mark of ‘Fail’ being recorded for that particular piece of work.
- Mobile phones are not to be used within the classroom or kitchens during lesson time, save for photos of food or as a timer.
- Recording of staff or other students, whether audio or visual, is forbidden without prior consent.
- The academy is a professional training and work environment. Aggressive, abusive, racist, sexist or vulgar language or behaviour, whether to staff or fellow students, will not be tolerated. This will result in disciplinary action being taken.
- Students are expected to treat the academy environment with respect. Appropriate behaviour must be adhered to at all times within the academy building. Any wilful damage to academy property will be charged directly to the student and may result in disciplinary action being taken.
- The academy cannot accept responsibility for students’ personal possessions.
- Any student found to be in possession or under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances will be asked to leave the academy immediately.
- Students should only eat in the dining areas provided on the premises. Smoking is only permitted in designated areas (specifically, the barn by the back field).
- If a student has a grievance relating to any aspect of their course, or to any person’s behaviour, they should make that concern or complaint directly to [email protected].
- All students should inform the academy of any changes to their contact details or those of their next of kin.
Please note that any failure to abide by the Student Code of Conduct can result in disciplinary action.
Disciplinary Procedures
- Students must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct.
- If a student breaches the Student Code of Conduct, the academy has the discretion to deal with such breaches as they deem appropriate.
- Minor breaches will incur a verbal warning.
- Further minor breaches will incur a written warning.
- If, following a written warning, the student continues to breach the code, the academy reserves the right to expel the student. No course or accommodation fees will be refunded.
- In the event of serious breaches, the academy has the right to expel a student immediately, without the need for a verbal or written warning. In such circumstances, no course or accommodation fees will be refunded. Breaches that may result in immediate expulsion include, but are not limited to:
- Verbal or physical abuse of academy staff or fellow students.
- Disruptive behaviour as defined by the academy.
- Possession or use of drugs or alcohol at the academy.
- Wilful damage to the academy or its property, and/or theft from the academy.
Contacting Us
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any matters relating to the student code of conduct, complaints or concerns. We can be contacted via email to [email protected].